The Clock is Ticking!!

The Clock is Ticking!!

Voter Registration Ends Friday October 9
Friday, October 9 is the last day to register to vote in order to be eligible to vote in the upcoming elections. Download a Voter Registration form from the Westchester BoE website register to vote page. Voter Registration forms are also available at your local library. IT IS TOO LATE TO REGISTER TO VOTE THROUGH THE DMV WEBSITE.

Did You Move Since the Last Election?
If you have moved since the last election, the deadline to submit a change of address is Wednesday October 14. Use the same Voter Registration form to submit your change of address.

Planning to Vote by Absentee Ballot?
If you're planing to vote by absentee ballot, don't wait to request one. Go to the Westchester BoE website absentee ballot page and you may submit your request for an absentee ballot online. Forms are also available at your local library. Deadline to request an absentee ballot is Tuesday October 27. 

Don't Wait to Complete and Return Absentee Ballot
Absentee Ballots were mailed late last week. When you get yours (if you asked for one), fill it out immediately and mail it back right away. Be sure to follow all instructions for marking and returning your ballot. It can be confusing.
Don't Want to Return Your Absentee Ballot By Mail?
During the Early Voting Period (October 24 through November 1) you may deliver your absentee ballot to ANY Early Voting location during voting hours or to your regular voting location on Election Day (November 3).

You don't need to wait in line. Just hand your completed ballot to any poll worker.

Voting in Person?
Election Day is Tuesday November 3.
Early Voting is Saturday October 24 through Sunday November 1.

It's Not the Same
Early Voting hours are not the same as the hours on Election Day. Early Voting locations are not the same as where you will vote on Election Day. You may vote at any Early Voting location, but you must vote at your assigned voting location on Election Day.

Check the Westchester BoE website Early Voting page for Early Voting hours and voting locations on those days. And consult the Westchester BoE website polling places page to find out where you will vote on Election Day.

Find Out What's on the Ballot    
Want to know what's on your ballot, find out if you're registered to vote, or learn about the candidates in your district's races? Then go to the League of Women Voters VOTE411.ORG website.

WHEW!!! There's a lot to consider, but voting is so important that it's worth taking the time to find out the who, what, when, and where of voting this year.

Questions: lwvwp.voterservice [at] (subject: Question%20about%20voting%20in%20the%202020%20election)
League to which this content belongs: 
White Plains