Your White Plains League has been very busy with voter registration and Get Out the Vote initiatives these past few weeks. During National Voter Registration Day on September 20th, and at a Club and Community Fair at White Plains High School on September 29th we registered a total of 68 new voters and got 52 filled out post cards for us to send to remind folks to vote in the November elections. Most exciting was the range of collaborations with partner groups and institutions and the participation of our members and those of other organizations, all working together with the League toward a common goal of voter education and empowerment.
On September 20th we had tables at the White Plains Library, Westchester Community College, the College of Westchester, and Purchase College and on September 29th at White Plains HS. Our members worked with colleagues from the NY Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, the NAACP and the Westchester Women’s Agenda and other local Leagues that joined us. We met new citizens registering for the first time, and heard stories from young people whose friends newly arrived from other countries encouraged them, quite strongly, to register and to vote, since they had been deprived of these rights in their previous homes.
This is the heart of the work of the League, community building, voter education and empowerment.
We have nearly 200 completed post cards to send out as promised to those who filled them out in the spring and last week. We hosted a postcard party to stamp and decorate cards on Sunday, October 16th at 11 am.