NewsThe White Plains Common Council held its regularly-stated monthly meeting on November 2, 2020. The council postponed the public hearing on El Cafetero’s cabaret permit until December 7.
The council also:
- Approved PILOT agreements for a development at 63 Lake St. and the redevelopment of Kingsley House at 41 Barker Avenue,
- Extended the temporary sidewalk cafe license permit until December 15
- Increased the number of cardboard boxes businesses can have picked up and allowed residents to put out garbage and recyclables overnight
- Approved an agreement with the county for a food scrap composting program
- Allowed the acceptance of various grants in the amount of $27,000
- Approved hiring special counsel to defend against a law suit by a construction company
- Approved an ordinance to charge non-residents higher fees for parking permits and
- Extended site plan approvals for 60 S. Broadway and 37 DeKalb Avenue
At the Citizens to be Heard session, two residents spoke against imaginary dangers from 5G antennas.
Submitted by LWVWP Board Member Clifford Blau
The calendar of upcoming meetings for the various boards and agencies can be found at https://www.cityofwhiteplains.com/853/Common-Council-BoardsCommissions-M...
Meetings and Citizens to be Heard can be viewed at http://whiteplainsny.swagit.com/live/ or on your government cable access channel.
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White Plains