Government: Intergovernmental Cooperation and Regional Tax-Base Revenue Sharing

Government: Intergovernmental Cooperation and Regional Tax-Base Revenue Sharing

The League of Women Voters of Kent supports voluntary intergovernmental, collaborative agreements which reduce costs, foster transparency and accountability, improve efficiencies and maintain service standards.
Position In Brief: 

The League of Women Voters of Kent supports voluntary intergovernmental, collaborative agreements which reduce costs, foster transparency and accountability, improve efficiencies and maintain service standards.

Position History: 

At the 2010 annual meeting, LWV Kent concurred with the position adopted/concnurred in 2009 by the LWV Cuyahoga Area, Cleveland Area and Shaker Heights.

The League of Women Voters of Kent supports voluntary intergovernmental, collaborative agreements which reduce costs, foster transparency and accountability, improve efficiencies and maintain service standards. Such agreements:

  • Are appropriate at local, county, metropolitan, multiple-county or regional levels.
  • Should be practical and of manageable size.
  • Should demonstrate the interconnectedness of all neighboring communities. The League of Women Voters of Kent supports regional tax-base revenue sharing as a constructive form of intergovernmental cooperation for the mutual benefit of participating communities. Such a program should:
  • Advance smart growth, economic development and fiscal equity within the target area.
  • Impact positively upon infrastructure, housing, education, recreation, inclusion and/or shared public facilities.
  • Set standards for finance, staffing and administration that are consistent, accountable, transparent and efficient.
  • Pool contributions from an agreed portion of new growth in local commercial and industrial property tax revenue.
  • Distribute that revenue pool among participating communities to further fiscal equity across the area.
  • Honor local sovereignty and school funding resources, be flexible, and grow with time.
  • Allow the participating communities to determine and periodically review the formulas for collection and allocations.
League to which this content belongs: 