North Orange County
North Orange County
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Lunch With League
1440 E Bastanchury Rd, Fullerton, California
Make your reservation by Sunday, March 23,
by emailing lunchwithleague [at]
(See the Calendar for more information)
Future LWL dates:
(All on Thursdays)
April 24
May 22
The new League membership system is now operational.
If you have received a message to access the portal you may access your account by clicking on the LWV MEMBER PORTAL button on the top of this page.
Recent editions of The Voter are on the Newsletters page. Past editions of The Voter, and the Member Roster, can be accessed on the Members Only Content page.