

The League of Women Voters of Los Alamos endorses the concept of a sustainable society as a preamble for all of its current and new positions.
Position History: 

(Adopted 1995; Revised 1997; 2004; 2008, 2015)

The League of Women Voters of Los Alamos endorses the concept of a sustainable society as a preamble for all of its current and new positions. We define a sustainable society as one that satisfies its own needs without jeopardizing the prospects of future generations. We aspire to make our society more sustainable by preserving and respecting its interdependence with the natural world.

A sustainable society protects nature. Our society should offer all individuals a clean environment including pure water, unpolluted air, and sufficient sources of renewable energy to provide for their physical needs. Our society should distribute scarce resources equitably so that conflicts over them are minimized. Every working person should be paid a living wage.

League to which this content belongs: 
Los Alamos