Westchester County will hold a special election to fill the unexpired County Executive term created by former County Executive George Latimer’s election to the House of Representatives for Congressional District 16.
The General Election is November 5, 2024, including the NYS Ballot initiative--a vote on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Early voting is from October 26 to November 3. Th
LWVNY, LWVWP, and many other organizations throughout the state are supporters of NY Prop 1. For comprehensive information, here is the New Yorkers for Equal Rights
At our Annual Meeting/Picnic in June, we honored member Sue Altman for her many contributions to the community, including launching Common Ground and spearheading "The Spot," a gathering place for teens. We celebrated the accomplishments of
One White Plains (OneWP) is the City of White Plains’ Comprehensive Plan - a long range planning document that provides the foundation for future City decisions regarding development and zoning,