September 2019 Meeting of the White Plains Common Council

September 2019 Meeting of the White Plains Common Council

At its September 3 meeting the White Plains Common Council:
  • Continued a hearing on changing the zoning of 52 North Broadway until October 7.
  • Approved several minor capital projects and the associated borrowing.
  • Accepted grants for pedestrian and traffic safety initiatives.
  • Received a proposal to redevelop 1 Water Street into a 22-story mixed use building

In an unusual occurrence, Councilman Martin voted against a trial restriction on right turns from Heatherbloom Road into Burke Rehabilitation since the Traffic staff opposed it.  The ordinance passed 6-1.

At the Citizens to be Heard session before the meeting people spoke about a group home in Prospect Park, and health benefits for retired firefighters.

Submitted by LWVWP Board member Clifford Blau

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White Plains