Board Member Application

Board Member Application

board application

The League of Women’s Voters of Kent invites you to consider applying for a position on its board

Importance of the Board

For more than 100 years, the League of Women Voters continues to empower voters and defend democracy. The local chapter in Kent, with more than 150 members and growing, contributes to the continued strength and vitality of the state and national organizations in this second century and beyond.

The Board of Directors plays a vital role in defining and ensuring the League’s future success.

You can become a part of the League's legacy by applying for one of the board positions described below. To download an application, click here and you will find a fillable form. To mail your application to the League of Women Voters of Kent, print the form, complete and mail to PO Box 302, Kent, Ohio 442240, or scan the completed application and email it to lwvkent [at] To complete and submit the application online, scroll down to the webform. 

Board Composition

The Board of Directors, consisting of officers and directors, is the administrative and policymaking team for the League.  Board members often assume specific duties, but all members of the board are responsible for planning and decision-making in several broad interdependent areas: 

  • Organization and Management: membership growth and participation; adequate financing and realistic budgeting; internal/external communications; visibility; and efficient administrative operations.
  • Voter Service/Citizen Information: efforts to help members of the community to become informed voters
  • Program: study, consensus, advocacy

Job Descriptions for Directors, Members and Officers

The board as a whole:

  • Sets priorities and goals for the organization.
  • Carries out overall planning and decision-making.
  • Supports membership, development and visibility activities.
  • Represents and promotes the League in the community.
  • Safeguards the League’s reputation for nonpartisanship.
  • Promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of League work.

The president:

  • Leads the League.
  • Speaks for the League.
  • Empowers and trains League leaders.
  • Organizes and delegates League tasks.
  • Convenes and presides over meetings.

The vice president(s):

  • Act for the president in case the president is unavailable.
  • Support and oversee board members (and their workgroups) in management of their focus areas or portfolios.
  • Perform other duties as directed by the president and the board.

The secretary:

  • Keeps the minutes of the Annual Meeting, Meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committees.
  • Assists in preparing materials for Annual, Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Signs, with the President, all contracts and other instruments when authorized by the board.
  • Performs other duties as directed by the president and the board.

The treasurer:

  • Collects and receives all moneys due.
  • Deposits these monies in a bank designated by the Board.
  • Disburses these moneys only upon order of the Board.
  • Presents Statements to the Board at regular meetings and an Annual Report at the Annual Meeting.

Individual board members:

  • Attend and participate in board meetings.
  • Identify and mentor new leaders.
  • Promote growth and diversity in membership.
  • Support and attend League activities.
  • Become knowledgeable about League positions and practices.
  • Explain and promote the League in the community.
  • Understand and abide by the League’s nonpartisan policy.
  • Assist in fundraising activities.
  • Assume responsibility for assignments for a specific committee or area of focus (e.g., membership, development, diversity equity and inclusion, communications, advocacy, voter service, environment, social policy, international relations, etc.).

Online Application for Board of Directors 

Thank you for your interest in applying for a role on the LWV of Kent Board of Directors for 2020-2022. Please indicate below which positions you are applying for.  You will be contacted for an interview by a member(s) of the nominating committee.

All applications must be submitted by March 1 of each year.

If you have any questions, contact Nominating Committee Chair Roberta O'Keefe at lwvkent [at]

  • You will be asked to agree to the LWVK Conflict of Interest, Non-Partisan, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies.
  • Basic information gathered: name, address, contact information
  • Optional information gathered: pronouns

Application Questions

Please complete the form below, and click or tap SUBMIT when you are done.

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