Greater Green Bay

Greater Green Bay

Making Democracy Work

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.


Annual Meeting Note

52nd Annual Report

Follow this link to the 2022-2023 League of Women Voters of Greater Green Bay Annual Report.



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Education Committee February 2024

On the November ballot, voters will be asked to approve a $183 million referendum for school improvements, including maintenance, safety upgrades, and new facilities.





Voter Service Committee, February

Voter Services meets the first Thursday of the month at in the Board Room at the Brown County Central Library at 6:00. Our next two meetings will be on September 5 and October 3.

Presidential Elections

Learn about the Presidential election process and gain a deeper understanding of how the electoral college operates. This crucial system is key to being an informed and empowered citizen.



Women Wiscosin Council
Event Date: 
Apr 05 2024 11:00 pm
Event location: 

ADRC of Brown County

Letter from our President – June 2024

Find out more about August events, including our Summer Picnic and Coffee Fundraiser, and learn about the upcoming Board Meetings, Christmas Coffee Fundraiser, and voter education for the November Election.



Dates to Keep in Mind
October 16: Deadline for online voter registration and registration by mail
October 22: Early in-person voting begins at your municipal clerk's office.

Issues for Emphasis are adopted by our grassroots members during our biennial Convention.

Event Date: 
Aug 14 2024 09:30 pm

The Healthcare/Environment committee will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, August 14 at 9:30 am. All are welcome.


Dotty Juengst, the co-chair of the AAUW committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is extending an invitation to all members of the LWVGGB to contribute with new ideas and become involved with the committee.

Healthcare/Environment Committee February

The Healthcare/Environment committee will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, September 11 at 3 pm. 

Summer Picnic ’24 – a great success!

On August 8, members and guests of the League of Women Voters of Greater Green Bay gathered at Meadowbrook Park in Howard for our annual summer picnic. Thank you to all who contributed to our potluck dinner!

Membership Committee

Connecting with our members is at the heart of our work. Our social network is crucial to the success of our mission.

Our Re-Drawing Democracy Event

Please check the article and get a quick picture at Our Re-Drawing Democracy Event!