School District Budget
Position History:
The LWV of Beloit supports:
- a budget formed equitably through open and free communication and responsive to the needs of teachers and students.
- citizen participation in the budget process.
- maintaining provisions within the budget which would allow the average person to more readily understand the budget, such as:
- a more extensive description of specific functions as well as a description of each account.
- a narrative description of the changes in proposed expenditures for each function, being specific, indicating dollar amounts, and reasons for changes.
- columns in the budget which include: actual last year expenditures and revenues, proposed current year, plus at least six months actual current year, and proposed next year expenditures and revenues as required by state statute.
- a statement of outstanding dept (in audit report).
- dividing salaried employees in the fund #30, account #100,000 into more specific account categories for the purpose of separating classroom teachers, principals, consultants, supervisors, and guidance and psychological personnel.
- minimizing the number of central administrators in proportion to the actual teaching staff in the School District of Beloit.
- tight controls of administrative expenditures. (rev.’89)
- efforts to achieve and maintain low teacher/pupil ratios for all students. (rev. ’89)
The LWV of Beloit opposes:
- a three-year contract for the superintendent which is re-negotiated each year.
- (2002 – revised: Boutelle, Henderson, Kades, Schneider)
- (1989 – revised)
- (1977 – Henderson, Hansen, Page)
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Education Study CommitteeLeague to which this content belongs:
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