

We want you to join the League of Women Voters. Everyone is welcome! As a member, you will:

  • have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national League work
  • get exclusive civic information you can trust
  • know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources.

Join us and be part of the solution!

To join, print out our membership form and mail it with your check to:

League of Women Voters of Northeast Tennessee
P.O. Box 3014
Johnson City, TN 37602
 For more information, email us at lwv.netn [at]
You can join by downloading and mailing the Membership Form
You can follow the link to the LWVTN site, scroll down to find Northeast Tennessee, and pay with PayPal HERE.
PDF icon Membership form for joining the LWV-NETN215.29 KB