NewsThe LWVUS National Convention convened online June 26 and 27 with 1,267 voting delegates and over 200 observers from 50 states, D.C., and the Virgin Islands participating via Zoom and over 5,000 viewing on Facebook. Mary Ann Reeves represented LWVOR as a voting delegate and Mary Uziel as an observer.
The LWVUS National Convention is held every two years normally in a big city at a big hotel with a large meeting hall. The coronavirus forced the 2020 convention planning committee to suddenly, at the last minute, re-think and re-plan everything that had been considered standard and necessary at a League National Convention. We all agreed they did a wonderful job and pulled off an extremely successful convention with our president presiding from California and the other officers and delegates successfully participating from across the nation.
Convention members debated and voted on proposed bylaws changes; proposed National LWV positions, program motions, and concurrences; and new officers for 2020-2022. We heard that the National League financial health is strong and adopted the current PMP (per member payment) rate of $32 for the next two years. Breaks featured short videos of elected officials and public celebrities congratulating the League on this historic anniversary of 100 years advancing equality for American women. Dr. Deborah Turner, our impressive new LWVUS president closed Convention 2020 by introducing the 2020-2022 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.
~Mary Uziel
League to which this content belongs:
Oak Ridge