August-September 2020 LWVOR President's Column

August-September 2020 LWVOR President's Column

Blog Post

I do not know about you, but over the last month I have settled into a routine of doing very little. I voted by mail in the primary and then fretted about whether my vote would actually be counted as I listened to various news stories about the disqualification of ballots. Given that I live less than a mile from one of the early voting locations, I intend to put on my mask and vote early for the November General election. So much for complaining.

The LWVOR Board has been meeting virtually. Board meetings have always been open to members and in the past, it was simple to attend from 10:00 to 12:00 on the second Tuesday of the month at the UT Resource Center on the Turnpike. Now that meetings are virtual, if you wish to attend contact Joye Montgomery, montgomery102 [at], during the first week of the month and give Joye a valid email address. Joye hosts the meeting, and she can invite you along with the Board members to the Zoom meeting.

Mary Ann Reeves lines up speakers for Lunch With the League ,which is going virtual this Fall. She several has programs ready to go. Watch the Oak Ridger and your email for specifics about upcoming LWL. We hope you can join us. Editor’s Note: The tentative schedule is also in this issue of the Voter.

The LWVOR is pursuing how to hold a candidate forum to help local candidates introduce themselves to voters in Oak Ridge, both in Anderson and Roane Counties. The Board does not have specifics yet, but if we can make this happen, members and the public will be notified via email and the Oak Ridger. Having a candidate present themselves is pretty straight forward, but organizing the event so that the general public can ask questions is a bit more challenging. We are working on it. I encourage anyone with ideas or suggestions to contact me, mccurdy46 [at], or (865) 332-6440.

While the original planning to celebrate the 19th Amendment was drastically curtailed, the milestone has not passed unnoticed. News channels have had historical documentaries, local radio has highlighted women voters, and major newspapers have run features. Social change is a long and complicated process. Society has a long way to go to each its highest ideals. My hope is that the voices and work of women will continue to play a major role.

~Harriett McCurdy, President LWVOR

League to which this content belongs: 
Oak Ridge