The White Plains Common Council held its regularly-stated monthly meeting on December 7, 2020. The council held a public hearing on El Cafetero’s cabaret permit and approved it.
The council also:
- Approved property tax refunds of $120,296. These were unusual in that the greatest assessment reduction is in the most recent year of the multi-year appeal, the opposite of the usual result. This means a greater tax reduction going forward for these two condominiums.
- Agreed to borrow $101,000 for new communication systems for Public Safety
- Allowed the acceptance of a grant in the amount of $10,000 for the Youth Bureau’s Grandpas United program
At the Citizens to be Heard session, a resident spoke on the desirability of adding a skate park to White Plains, while several more victims of Russian trolls spoke against 5G antennas.
The Common Council also held two special meetings in November. On the 18th and19th the long-awaited public hearing on rezoning the Good Counsel property was held, and on the 23rd it extended the temporary sidewalk cafe license permit until April 14, 2021.
Submitted by LWVWP Board Member Clifford Blau
The calendar of upcoming meetings for the various boards and agencies can be found at
Meetings and Citizens to be Heard can be viewed at or on your government cable access channel.