January 2021
President’s Message
We Can Do It, But It Depends on All of Us
If you’re reading this, then you know something about the League of Women Voters of White Plains. You know our mission is promoting and encouraging an informed and engaged electorate. Our information programs offer information and insight into the local issues and topics that are important to you.
Throughout the year we let you know about important dates on the election calendar like the upcoming (February 14) deadline to switch party affiliations (if you wish) prior to the June 2021 primaries; deadlines for voter registration, the last date to change your address with the Board of Elections, early voting periods, and more.
We work to register new voters, encourage youth involvement in elections. As Primary and General election periods draw near, the League’s Voters Guides and VOTE411.ORG and our Candidates Forums help you make informed choices.
What you may not know is that when you join the League of Women Voters of White Plains you are supporting the work of the League at the county, state, and national level as well. For example, in 2019 after years of lobbying by the League of Women Voters of New York State, the state legislature passed a set of election reforms that included provisions for early voting; you know how important that was last year. This year LWVNY will focus efforts on the upcoming redistricting effort.
In conjunction with the White Plains League, the Westchester county League (LWVW), sponsored online Candidates Forums so you could hear from candidates in the primary and general election for the U.S. CD 17 contest, the first contested election for this seat in many years. We know this was important because 900 people registered to watch the Democratic Primary Candidates Forum and nearly 350 watched the General Election Candidates Forum.
There are 47 local Leagues throughout New York State and many more in every state in the union. This means you are part of a nationwide movement to protect, defend and promote a bedrock right, the right to vote.
So why am I telling you all of this? Because, although we know you support the work the League does, our annual membership drive has not been as successful as we had hoped. In fact, renewals fell by 30% this year. No doubt there have been a number of distractions recently. However, if we, the League of Women Voters at every level, are to continue to be effective we need your support. So, if you meant to renew your membership but haven’t then please click here and return your membership renewal or become a new member.
Then I encourage you to become active members. Come to our Board meetings and learn about our plans. Perhaps there is something that excites your interest and which you would like to be part of. Or maybe you have an idea for something the League should doing beyond our current program. We welcome everyone being involved to the whatever extent they wish to participate. As I keep saying, “Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport”.
The League of Women Voters has been in force in White Plains for many, many years. All of us on the Board of Directors want to see it continue to be a voice in our community. This can only happen if more people become active in the League. So, please come work with us, join our meetings, contact me (lwvwp.president [at] gmail.com). We want to hear from you and we welcome your ideas, talents, skills, and experience.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
There is no question that the League is in the thick of things when it comes to elections and voting. These are issues that matter to everyone and it is information that is important to everyone in our community. What the League of Women Voters of White Plains does not do so well is be mindful of what must be done to ensure that all segments of the White Plains community can take advantage of and benefit from the work the League does.
For some time now, I have been aware that LWVWP’s programs and initiatives have a narrow focus; it is circumscribed. In the past, we made some efforts to partner with community organizations to extend our reach and serve a broader range of White Plains residents. Our approach was to reach out to them and offer resources. We have the information but we are not equipped to know what is the most effective means of disseminating that information and engaging their constituents. This approach has not had much success I am sorry to say. Whatever the reasons, we know that the League must do a better job of outreach and involvement.
There is broad awareness and recognition of the necessity of the League to be a more diverse, inclusive, equitable organization. The question is, how? The answer is not simple, and it is not one that can or will be solved by the small and, for the most part, homogenous group that comprises our Board of Directors and most of our members.
We have begun talking to people with ties to many segments of the White Plains community to identify resources who might be receptive to partnering with LWVWP. As well, I have begun to encourage every member of the LWVWP Board of Directors to consider how the need to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is an important component of the work we do.
For this effort to be effective we look to our members for their input and for them to get involved in making the League of Women Voters of White Plains better reflect the diverse community that we seek to serve. So here too I ask and encourage you to reach out to us. Let us know what you think LWVWP needs to do to be a more diverse and representative organization. And too, we hope that you will be interested in helping us achieve this goal.
In League,
Stephen Cohen
lwvwp.president [at] gmail.com