Senate Introduces the Freedom to Vote Act

Senate Introduces the Freedom to Vote Act

Time for Action LWV
Time Range For Action Alert: 
Sep 22 2021 to Nov 05 2021

The fight for voting rights continues to be a long and enduring battle, but one which American democracy hinges on. The Senate has introduced new legislation, the Freedom to Vote Act which has the power to make our elections more free, fair, and accessible to all.

This transformative voting rights bill will protect and expand the right to vote, decrease the influence of money in politics and curb partisan gerrymandering. Your voice is crucial in ensuring the freedom to vote for Americans. Contact your senators* and implore them to vote YES on the Freedom to Vote Act. 

Our nation is facing a series of attacks on our most basic right to vote. The Freedom to Vote Act embodies much of the voting rights and democracy work the League of Women Voters has fought for over 100 years by:

  • Protecting and expanding voting rights;
  • Removing big money out of politics; and
  • Curbing gerrymandering.

For months, the American people have been calling for national standards to protect our freedom to vote, ensure fair representation, and get big money out of politics. The introduction of the Freedom to Vote Act is proof that our voices have power in the halls of the US Senate. Our voices have an impact. Just as we rose up to vote in record numbers in the midst of the pandemic last year, so now will we rise up to demand that our leaders pass this new bill that sets national standards for us to safely and freely cast our ballots, ensure every vote is counted, and elect people who will deliver for us.

The Freedom to Vote Act represents the best defense of our democracy in Congress today. Your voice is more important than ever to ensure your senators stand in defense of fair representation. Stand up and make your voice heard; tell your senators that the Freedom to Vote Act must pass, that they must vote YES!!  [check "Contact Your Legislator" link on website menu for contact information]

Please also contact President Biden and urge him to use his office to help get this legislation passed.  Call 1-202-456-1111 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tuesdays-Thursdays. You can also email him through the website


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