Moscow's Coronavirus Wastewater Testing

Moscow's Coronavirus Wastewater Testing


Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 12:00pm

The League of Women Voters of Moscow will host "Moscow's Coronavirus Wastewater Testing," a virtual presentation and discussion with City of Moscow Deputy City Supervisor Tyler Palmer and University of Idaho Professor of Environmental Engineering Dr. Erik Coats. 

Since spring of 2020, the City of Moscow has conducted routine testing of wastewater at the City’s Water Reclamation and Reuse Facility to track the concentrations of coronavirus (specifically SARS-CoV-2). The emerging field of testing wastewater for pathogens to track broad community health trends was recognized as a potential tool to help inform public health officials and other decision-makers as they grappled with our local response to the pandemic. The City has partnered with the University of Idaho in this effort. City and University staff involved in the program will discuss the origins of the work, how it has evolved, and what the future may hold for continued testing. 

Zoom link: