The League of Women Voters of White Plains Common Council Candidates Forum was held on Monday October 18, 2021. It is now available for viewing in English and Spanish on the League of Women Voters of White Plains YouTube channel.
Election Day is Tuesday November 2; polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Early Voting is from Saturday October 23 through Sunday October 31; White Plains votes at the Westchester Board of Elections, 25 Quarropos Street; voting hours vary by day. Find your poll location, voting hours, and to check voter registration visit the League's online guide, VOTE411.ORG.
There are four candidates running for three seats on the White Plains Common Council. The candidates are, Justin Brasch (D), Allan Grafman (R, Common Sense), John Martin (D), and Richard Payne (D). Members serve at-large for four-year terms.
There are four candidates running for three seats on the White Plains Common Council. The candidates are, Justin Brasch (D), Allan Grafman (R, Common Sense), John Martin (D), and Richard Payne (D). Members serve at-large for four-year terms.
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