Time Range For Action Alert:
Jan 25 2022 to Feb 01 2022Call, email, or write using the following script:
My name is XXX. I encourage Governor Pritzker to continue delivering on Illinois’ commitment to public school students by committing to invest at least $350 million in additional state funds through the Evidence Based Formula in FY23.
The COVID-19 pandemic has both highlighted and exacerbated inequities deeply rooted in our state’s education system. Considering that the EBF formula targets new funding to the state’s most underfunded districts and students, increasing EBF funding by at least $350 million in FY23 is the best way for the state to work to not only bolster our recovery efforts but to continue making progress toward adequate funding for our schools and students, addressing one of the main root causes of systemic inequities. Thank you for your consideration.
CALL the Governor’s office, 217,782.0244
WRITE to Office of the Governor, 207 State House, Springfield, IL 62706
Encourage others to do the same! Post on social media using #fundtheformula.
Public education is a primary responsibility of the state; every child deserves access to an equitably funded public education. Yet there are inequities deeply rooted in our state’s education system that have been both highlighted and exacerbated by the pandemic. In Illinois, more than 300 school districts, serving 973,000 of the state’s students, receive under 70% of the funding needed to provide an adequate education. Black and Latinx students are disproportionately represented in these districts.
In 2017 the legislature committed to adding at least $350 million each year for Evidence Based Funding (EBF), to be sent to the neediest districts, to achieve full funding in 10 years. However, in FY21, there was no EBF increase, and in last year’s budget proposal, the Governor proposed again flat-lining education. Fortunately, $350 million in EBF funding was added to the final enacted FY22 budget. The state education budget for FY23 needs to include at least $350 million inadditional EBF funding over the FY22 budget amount to continue to address the deep disparities between schools.
Find more information at Advance Illinois

League Position
The distribution of state funds to public elementary and secondary schools should reduce financial disparities between districts and increase equity for students and for taxpayers. The state should concentrate its efforts on raising the level of the financial resources of poorer districts.