7/6/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

7/6/2022 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council

Date of Meeting: 7/6/2022

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:


This week's meeting started with a "work session" with CT Consulting about Design Guidelines for the overlay district of Kent. This followed the public meeting with the consultants (held elsewhere). City Council has debated and discussed design guidelines and standards every time local businesses bring complaints about the decisions of the Architectural Review Board. Council hired CT Consulting to work on possible revisions to the existing guidelines and standards. While this is happening, City Council has not filled all openings on the ARB. In June, CT Consulting met with more than 20 citizens prior to the public meeting. This is the first "gathering information" phase of a three-phase process. The woman from CT Consulting said the company may not be done with its work until the end of the year. Here are some of the issues involved: differences between standards ("shall" compulsory, in zoning code ) and guidelines ("should" recommended). Most council members asked questions about guidelines/standards and the role of the ARB.


  • Update on the new administration building. The construction of 8.8 million dollar administration building is behind schedule --until July 2024. Lots of reasons why: materials shortages, labor shortages. The city council had a booth at the Heritage Fest and Melanie Baker said there was lots of public interest in the project. There may be some street/lane closures during the construction.


  • Bridget Susel talked about revisions to the Rehabilitation Assistance Program over time. This year the state of Ohio passed legislation that all loans will be forgiven. (loans need to go to owner-occupied housing) City needs to revise its legislation to coincide with new state law. Council moved that and unanimously approved it.


  • Proposed updates to the City's Tobacco Ordinance. Vaping is becoming a bigger issue among the young (under 18), Kent City Health Commissioner Joan Seidel. There are 28 shops in Kent that sell tobacco. But those who testified said that vaping is especially a concern for younger customers. Ordinance will be introduced at July 20 meeting with an educational component for business owners. Approved unanimously.


  • Codified Ordinance 915.11 water reclamation review renewal for changes approved unanimously


  • 2022-23 Health Department Grants, Council approved the grants awarded to the city; Disposal of Cal Recorder (police department) approved unanimously; Fire Department Selling Old Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (which is approaching their 10-year expiration) -- to Deerfield and Garfield Heights, approved unanimously. 2023 Tax budget.
  • 2022-070 A resolution adopting the tax budget of the city of Kent for fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 2023 and submitting to the county auditor -- approved unanimously. 

Which members of the board/council were present: Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6;  Gwen Rosenberg, At Large;  Michael DeLeone, At Large;  Roger Sidoti, At Large, and Robin Turner, Ward 3. Absent was John Kuhar, Ward 4

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

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