As always, our League members will be available to help register new voters or update voter information for anyone who recently became eligible to vote or had a recent change of address. We will be inside the Winnetka Public Library on National Voter Registration Day, Tuesday, September 20 from 9:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. and at the Winnetka Farmers Market 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 24.
League members, please volunteer to “work” a 2-3 hour stint on either or both days and help spread the word to new neighbors or young people who will be 17 years old by primary election day and 18 by the general election. Those registering for the first time or updating an address must bring 2 items of identification, at least one of which shows their birth date and current address such as drivers license, school ID or item of postmarked mail.
To volunteer, please contact Joan Fragen 847 446-0184 or email joanfragen [at] gmail.com.