League of Women Voters of Michigan holds forum with Michigan Supreme Court candidates
Virtual event informs voters about upcoming election
September 21, 2022
LANSING – Michigan voters had the opportunity to hear from candidates seeking seats on the Michigan Supreme Court during a virtual candidate forum today hosted by the League of Women Voters of Michigan and the Jewish Bar Association of Michigan.
“Thank you to the Michigan Supreme Court candidates and all of the voters who tuned in to this informative event,” said Christina Schlitt, co-president of the League of Women Voters of Michigan. “The League is proud to hold candidate forums like this to help Michigan voters get informed about what will appear on their ballot, so that all voters can participate in our democracy.”
The virtual event was meant to inform voters about Michigan Supreme Court candidates in a nonpartisan way. Attendees heard from all Michigan Supreme Court candidates who, if elected, will rule on important decisions that impact all voters.
“The Michigan Supreme Court has the power to make decisions that could impact the lives of voters every day, and it’s important to let voters hear from the candidates in a nonpartisan forum,” said Paula Bowman, co-president of the League. “We hope the event empowered voters to feel informed about the upcoming election and make confident decisions at the polls this November.”
A recording of the candidate forum is available online.