LWV-Glenview-Glencoe is partnering with the Glenview Community Church's Faith In Action Team to host a Gun Safety Fair. Since the July 4 attack in Highland Park, the issue of gun safety has become an even more intense topic of deep community concern. More people than ever are asking "What can I do?"
The fair is intended to promote awareness of the various gun violence prevention groups in the community. Representatives from 12 local organizations, including Moms Demand Action, the Glenview Police Department, the GBS Progressives student organization, and Jim McGrath, LWV-IL's Gun Violence Prevention Issues Specialist, will summarize their approach to gun safety at the beginning of the event. Visitors can then stop by each organization’s table to learn more about the organization, its purpose and its approach to gun violence prevention, and to learn about volunteer opportunities, ask questions, and sign up to take action! The fair is free and open to the public.