8/22/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

8/22/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 8/22/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

A Horning Road couple described a mini free library they intend to put up on their property, set back from the right of way. Trustees expressed support for their proposal.

Mr. Ciccozzi reported on two issues in Lake Royale concerning hedges, which he is addressing. He thanked a Spell Road resident for addressing the brush-chipping piles on his property. He reported that he will be attending the upcoming zoning workshop being offered by the Office of the Prosecutor.

Mr. Akerley described upcoming paving and road repair projects, including patching repairs to Seasons, Spell, and Judson roads. He asked for a consideration of chip and seal for these three roads, which he believes will be a 6-7 year fix until they’ll need to be repaved, at an estimated cost of $98,000. After the fiscal officer examines the budget related to this project, trustees will revisit the proposal. There was also a discussion of a request from the village of Sugar Bush Knolls to contract with the township to provide snow removal for the village, which consists of 2.8 miles of road. Mr. Akerley suggests a reasonable payment, given labor, fuel, and depreciation of the vehicles, to be $350 per run. A motion was made to offer this as a contract for one season, then to reevaluate whether to renew for another year. All three trustees voted yes.

Mr. Smith reported on a call to the county sheriff’s office regarding a significant overcrowding issue at the Burnt Pickle on Friday night and into Saturday morning, with at least 150 people in the parking lot and 50 or more in the premises. In addition, he witnessed potential patrons on Saturday night complaining that the night before, they were allowing 18-year-olds in, while on Saturday, they were limiting entry to those 21 and older. This information will be shared with the sheriff’s office.

A survey in former Brady Lake to aid in applying for grant money to fix the roads will begin this week. Mrs. Kapusta will circulate letters from trustees and the survey to 111 homes.

Mrs. August has given First Energy the go-ahead to begin replacing all township street lights with LED lights at an estimated cost of $33,000, to be reimbursed by NOPEC grant money.

The township has received four applications for the full-time road crew position.

A resolution authorizing an administrative search warrant and lien search for structures located at 1495 North Blvd. and 7743 West Blvd was approved by all three trustees.

Mr. Swan notified all in attendance of an upcoming JEDD committee meeting on Tuesday, August 29, at 7 p.m. at the town hall to discuss what is known as a virtual superJEDD.
A legal notice will be posted letting the public know of this open meeting.

A resolution accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission, authorizing the necessary tax levies, and certifying them to the county auditor’s office was approved by all three trustees.

All three trustees approved the payment of bills totaling $117,895.53.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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