What do you know about One White Plains Comprehensive Plan? There was a public hearing on October 23rd. At the meeting The Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) presented the full draft of One White Plains Comprehensive Plan. Persons wishing to comment were invited to share their feedback at the hearing. Mark Lalloo, a longtime member of the LWVWP, was one of the speakers. But you might ask, when did all this happen? What’s the background? Who wrote the “Draft”? What’s the next step? Do I have input?
What is a Comprehensive Plan? A comprehensive plan is an “official, long range planning document that provides policy guidance for future growth and development, housing, infrastructure, and public services “. At the June 7th 2021 meeting, the Common Council authorized the ONE WHITE PLAINS COMPREHENIVE PLAN. With a guiding set of principles, the process began with many “listening tours. Most importantly, all the White Plains communities were encouraged to participate.
Several months ago, the White Plains Library visually displayed the “Six Elements of the One White Plains Comprehensive Plan for all to see and comment. For a complete review of the Draft Plan and the time frame, visit the internet site: ONEWHITEPLAINS.COM/ELEMENTS.
Phase 1 (2021)The Comprehensive Plan Committee (CPC) and the consulting firm BEJ Planning proceeded with public outreach, background research and finally developed a plan. The CPC provided Spanish Outreach Workshops in 2022 and 2023.
Phase 2 (2022-2023) developed the Draft Plan. Prior to and at the Oct 23 hearing, public comments were encouraged.
Phase 3 (2023-2024) Initiatives and Implementation. Finally, the Mayor and the Common Council must adopt the Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan is a road map providing “the foundation for future decisions on development and zoning, capital spending, and general policy decisions. Think about the impact of those decisions on you; a homeowner, renter, an old or young person, a business owner or those that come to White Plains to work!
The “Draft Plan” is waiting for your input. Write to your elected officials, the Common Council and Mayor Roach. Let them know you’re an investor in White Plains’ future. Focus on the next Public Hearing before the final “Draft” is sent to the Council and Mayor for approval. We’re all stakeholders in White Plains.
Questions? Please contact me. LWVWP.president@gmail.com
Doris Dingott