1/3/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

1/3/2024 - Kent Ohio City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council (Ohio) Committee Meetings

Date of Meeting: 1/3/2024

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Committee Meetings:

Committee of the Whole:
Board and Commission Interviews. Interview with Julie Grant, Pioneer St., for the Sustainability Committee. She is a (radio) reporter covering environmental issues. Sidoti asked about just one thing she’s concerned about; Grant says community solar. Shafer-Bish asks how Kent compares to other cities their size. Grant says infrastructure is good, but worries about wastewater wells. Vote for this will take place on Jan. 20.

Organization of the Council

  • President Pr Tem: Jack Amrhein
  • Slate of Chairs of Committees:
  • Community Development: Gwen Rosenberg
  • Finance: Mike DeLeone
  • Land Use: Heidi Shaffer Bish
  • Streets and Sidewalks: John Sidoti
  • Health and Safety: Chris Hook
  • Parks and Recreation: Melissa Celko
  • The whole slate was approved unanimously.

New City Hall Construction Update: Abbreviated report because of illness of Melanie Baker.

2024 Pending List Update – some items were removed from the list because the work was completed, and others kept on the list because additional information was needed:

  • Sustainability Committee – completion of 10 items –removed, unanimously approved
  • Senior Center in Kent, Parks and Recreation working on master plan – Keep on list, unanimously approved
  • Design Guidelines – guidelines approved – removal, unanimously approved
  • Sidewalk shoveling – keep on list, unanimously approved
  • Review of Planning timeline, completed, remove, unanimously approved
  • Chunks of Pavement on Portage St., Keep on list, unanimously approved
  • Dedication of City Building – completed at last meeting, remove from list, unanimously approved
  • Downtown Ice Rink – remove from list, unanimously approved
  • Neighbor complaint against Law Director and Law Department – matter handled, remove, unanimously approved.

Committee Items

  • Low Frequency Noise (broader topic) – removed, unanimously approved.
  • Racism in Kent e.g., multicultural efforts Created a new position of Community Engagement as part-time, increased to full-time, removal, unanimously approved
  • City Flag – approved, removed, unanimously approved
  • Change in Fireworks Law because of state law changes, remove, unanimously approved
  • Vape and Marijuana Dispensary – remove, approved unanimously
  • 24-hour parking consideration, handled by council, removal, unanimously approved
  • Noise Ordinance Review – Keep on the list, unanimously approved.
  • Fur regulation in Kent – keep on the list – unanimously approved

Community Development: Recreational Marijuana Moratorium – request for a temporary moratorium while the state house works out state rules and regulations. Motion to approve the temporary moratorium (for commercial, retail, and operators only) – unanimously approved.

Streets, Sidewalks and Utilities:
The total eclipse is coming on April 8. This section deals with some of the events planned for Kent the weekend of April 6, 7, and 8. Starts at 3:14 p.m. in Kent, two minutes, 46 seconds total eclipse (the last one in Northern Ohio, the Next one – a total eclipse in Northern Ohio, 2099). $27,000 in grants and funding. Among the activities, “Dark Side of the Moon” was booked at Kent Theatre. Kent Library will host Nocturnal Animals brought in by Akron Zoo and Art Mural (Aluminum) at Pump House on River. Temporary art installations are coming.

  • April 7 laser light show to music downtown Kent.
  • April 8 Eclipse.
  • KSU plans to open the planetarium to the public; Dr. Cunningham is a keynote speaker. Eclipse viewing/reception at Reisman Plaza.
  • “Lights out” is working on all lights going out in Kent; so that it is truly blacked out.
  • No school in public schools.
  • Dedicated photographer and videographer.
  • 5K run and bar crawl.
  • Eclipse glasses at “off the Wagon,” Kent State, and Library.
  • Street closings: Water St., between Portage and Lock Lane; Main St., between Gougler and Depeyster. Erie St from Franklin to Depeyster, Franklin Ave closed.
  • KSU is planning to request closing willow between College and Main.

Special Event Street Closure. Requests 45 days before the event instead of the current 30 days. Motion: allow 45 days before the Event for Street closure instead of 30 days. Also, align ordinance with practice. Motion unanimously approved

Finance Committee
Health Department grants three extensions and two new – all approved unanimously.
They included the tobacco use extension, EPA grant Vector control, FDA food inspection, and Evolution of healthy eating. Will be pulled off in separate ordinances in the next meeting

Executive Section.

Which members of the board/council were present: Jack Amrhein, Ward 2; Melissa Celko, Ward 1; Robin Turner Ward 3; Chris Hook, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Jeff Clapper, Ward 6; Michael DeLeone, at Large; Gwen Rosenberg, at Large; Roger Sidoti, at Large 

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

League to which this content belongs: 