First Business Meeting of the LWVWmCo June 19, 2024

First Business Meeting of the LWVWmCo June 19, 2024

                League of Women Voters Williamson County

               Annual Business Meeting June 19, 2024

  1. The first business meeting of the newly formed League of Women Voters Williamson County met on June 19, 2024. A quorum of the membership was present.

II. The first order of business was to approve the Officers and Board members:


           President: June Bond

           Vice President: Linda Sherman

           Secretary: Angie Becker

          Treasurer: Dorinda Smith

 Board members:


               Peg McCree

               Wanda Bruce Graham


               Kathy Armistead

              Cynthia Mercante

Senior Adviser;

      Bette Holmes

There were no nominations from the floor. A motion was made, seconded, and approved by the members present to approve the Board.

III. The second order of business was to approve the 2024-2025 budget. Dorinda Smith presented the budget. The motion was made, seconded, and approved by the members present.

IV. Peg McCree reported on two important candidate activities that the LWVWC is sponsoring. The first is a “Meet the Candidates” for the school board in the upcoming August election, which will take place on July 8 at the Williamson County Library from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The second event is a District 65 candidate forum for the August primary, which will take place at Columbia State Community College on July 10 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Vote 411 is up and running. Poll watchers are needed for the upcoming elections. Cynthia Mercante has created a PowerPoint presentation for college students to register to vote. It is on our website for viewing.

V. Linda Sherman presented a tribute to Elizabeth Holmes, one of the founding members who has contributed so much to our present success. Programs, forums, voter registration and registration education, creating posters for publicity, poll watcher, poll worker, attending WCEC meetings are some of the many contributions Bette has made.

Thank you Bette!


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