Offline Join/Renewal

Offline Join/Renewal

All new and current members are encouraged to Join/Renew your membership online using the Join/Renew process by clicking here.

You can still Join/Renew offline if that is a better choice for you. At this time, offline members can only pay by check made out to LWVUS.


Please complete the following Offline Process:

  1.  Please print and complete the PDF icon Membership Registration Form.
  2.  Attach your dues check payable to the LWVUS to your completed Membership Registration Form.
  3.  If you would like to make a Donation, please attach a separate check payable to the LWVBCC to your completed form.
  4.  Mail your check and membership information to:
PO Box 1032
Niles, MI 49120


Thank you for joining the League of Women Voters of Berrien & Cass Counties!