I am writing to ask that you spread the word within your local Leagues and networks so there is a strong showing at the State House on Thursday. Click HERE to register or paste the following link into your browser: https://bit.ly/2rkVVLj.
What do we want? The League is advocating for passage of S.2302: An Act to promote a clean energy future, also referred to as the “Omnibus Bill”, submitted by Senator Pacheco.
Why is this bill so important? S.2302 contains virtually all the critical elements of individual energy and EJ bills submitted this session and supported by the League and our partners. We are pushing for passage of the entire bill, with special emphasis on:
· carbon pricing language (as described in the attachment)
· a strong plan for implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act (referred to as the “roadmap”).
The task at hand is to mobilize membership to attend the State House Lobby Day on May 10th. Please register to participate on May 10th if you can and do all you can to spread the word to encourage others to join you.
Thank you for supporting this effort in any way you can and for all you are already doing.