Midway Hills Christian Church
11001 Midway Road (North of Royal Lane)
See map: Google Maps
Texas US
Thursday, August 30, 2018 - 11:30am to 1:30pm
To order lunch, mail an $11 check to the League of Women Voters, 6060 N. Central Expressway, Dallas 75206 or donate online at lwvdallas.org/donate.
For free reservations email lwvdallas [at] sbcglobal.net or call 214-688-4125.
Mavis Knight, State Board of Education 2002 – 2014
- Dr. Lori Taylor, Texas A&M - What are the variations in the cost of education and the determinants of school district efficiency
- Chandra Villanueva, Center for Public Policy Priorities - How does the state education budget meet the need (or not)
- Rena Honea, President of American Federation of Teachers - How are students and classrooms affected by more and less funding
- Joyce Foreman, Dallas ISD Trustee - How is DISD currently funded and is it enough
Bill Betzen, Lynn Davenport, Mavis Knight, Ledbetter Neighborhood Association, North Texas LULAC, Diane Tasian, Westmoreland Heights Neighborhood Association