The League of Women Voters is a political, non-partisan organization founded in 1920 – the year that women were granted the right to vote. The purposes of the League of Women Voters are two-fold:
- Voter Services: to promote informed, active citizen participation in government and
- Inform and Educate: to influence public policy through education and advocacy, and to take positions on substantive issues after careful study. The issues studied may or may not be of legislative concern.
What Does the League Do?
Some of the significant voter services provided on a local level by the League include: planning candidates’ nights, forums, and debates prior to elections, preparing a voter service guide, running voter registration drives, conducting ballot question forums, printing of the town meeting representative guide of financial terms, and providing members and the public with an invitation to an annual legislative update evening with our State Senator and Representative.
The League informs and educates the public on substantive issues in different ways. We sponsor several public forums each year on chosen topics of interest. The forums provide residents with information and opportunities to meet with various officials in accessible locations such as public buildings (schools, civic center, etc.) or homes. The Massachusetts State League of Women Voters also offers exceptional programs, workshops, and conferences that league members may attend.
The League influences public policy by calling and writing legislators, and by lobbying. Annually, the State League sponsors a Day on Beacon Hill. Members may also pre-schedule their lunch with their Senator or State Representative on that day and enjoy discussion on pertinent issues of concern to the League. Via email, League members receive our local monthly bulletin called The Carillon, as well as important and timely State and National League information through their electronic publications. These e-mailings provide a wealth of information for the busy citizen to read and to become better informed on a multitude of issues.
Being a League Member
League members also form in-depth study committees on selected topics. These topics are selected on a local level each year at our league’s annual dinner meeting, and every two years at State and National League Conventions. After research and study, participating committee members make a presentation to the membership at a meeting. Following the presentation and informed recommendations of the study group, league members vote to take a position (pro or con) or answer related questions on the issue based on the facts. This process is called consensus. Once consensus is reached, action can be taken. This inclusive process is used on local, state and national levels.
Membership activity may be customized to suit individual’s needs. Some members choose not to be active, but join to benefit from the variety of informational reading material that membership provides. This type of passive membership contributes to our goal of promoting informed citizenry. Some members contribute by hosting a board meeting once a year. Our most active members are on our board of directors. Whether you are a very active member or a passive member, your membership adds strength in numbers to our organization.
Become a Member Today!
Membership is open year-round to both men and women. Dues are $45 per year ($35 for new members for the first year) payable to the Norwood LWV and should be mailed to Toni Eosco, Norwood LWV Membership Chair, 14 Endicott Street, Norwood 02062. For more information, please feel free to call our league president, Carol MacLeay at (781) 762-2430 or membership chair, Toni Eosco, at (781) 769-7865 or email at tonie [at]
Join the League and help make democracy work!