10/25/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

10/25/2022 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 10/25/2022

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:

A representative from the Portage County Health District addressed the board regarding his request to put up signs in support of their levy renewal at township parks, but after discovering a prosecutor's office opinion against such signs rescinded his request. He left signs for anyone interested in placing them in their own yard. Revenue generated from the renewal will be used to support ongoing operations and to meet annual obligations.

Mr. Akerley discussed issues that have arisen with the new truck, particularly problems with the placement of both the plow and hydraulic supply lines. Repairs and changes to make the truck serviceable in time for snow events must be accomplished quickly. Both Mr. Russell and Mr. Swan commended Mr. Ackerley's work in following up on these matters.

There was discussion regarding the possibility of Kent State's erection of a cluster of tiny houses on parcels that the university owns on Cline Road. Mr. Ciccozzi will follow up with the prosecutor's office regarding zoning exemptions and plans.

Mr. Smith reported on Pebblebrook and Meadowview housing related to fire alarms. He also informed trustees that the tenant of the Jones' Hookah Palace has been evicted.

An expense of $926.52 to the City of Kent for engineering services related to the SR 59 Connecting Communities project was approved by all trustees.

An expense of $7,383.64 to Mitchell Communications for a two-way radio system now in place at the road department was approved by all trustees.

Use of township-owned parcels currently being leased by the Portage Parks District was discussed. Mr. Akerley will contact Ms. Craycroft to get permission to access the buildings there to make a determination about what the township can use the parcels for.

A new liquor permit request allowing beer sales on the premises until 1 a.m. was made by the TOKO Japanese Steak House. The trustees will not request a hearing or pose an objection to the request.

Payment of bills totaling $134, 615.09 was approved by all trustees.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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