11/28/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

11/28/2023 - Franklin Township Trustees - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Date of Meeting: 11/28/2023

Format: In-person

Meeting Summary:


A Brady Lake area resident returned to renew his request to vacate a portion of a paper road called Washington Street extension. He has now had the area surveyed and presented the map to the board. If vacated, the parcel would be split to give residents on either side an additional 25 feet of land. The trustees agreed to explore options with the county commissioners about how this might be accomplished. Another resident also spoke in favor of doing this.

A Hudson Road resident asked for a status update on the Hudson Road project. The intent of the county engineer’s office is to have the final design and bid project ready to go by the end of February or early March of 2024.

A Brady Lake area resident asked for an update on the Brady Lake survey project. Mrs. Kapusta reported that the survey is nearly complete; there is a need to secure responses from a few more addresses.


Mr. Ciccozzi updated the trustees about the result of searches of structures on West and North Blvds. Reports from the building and health departments and the Kent Fire Department will determine how the township proceeds in either razing or bringing into compliance both structures.

Mr. Akerley proposed changing the logo on township vehicles and signage at the maintenance garage to bring consistency to the brand. Also, an applicant for an open position on the road crew has been recommended for hiring; all trustees voted yes.

Mr. Smith reported that the facility complied with occupancy guidelines on his recent visits to events at the Burnt Pickle. Also, the resident who recently made numerous calls for lift assistance is now in the hospital and will not return to her residence. Kent has agreed to split the cost of the high volume of calls from this individual.


Mrs. Kapusta has received a call from a Brady Lake area resident regarding the danger to children waiting for buses in the dark in the morning. Ms. August will check if the street light replacement project will address this problem. Another Powdermill Rd resident would like to trim pine branches from the former Kent State golf course property to use as craft material.

A Portage County Regional Planning representative will come to a January meeting to present his comprehensive plan for Franklin Township.


All three trustees approved payment of bills totaling $93,374.91.

After the executive session to discuss compensation, the regular session was resumed in which Mr. Swan moved to provide employee bonuses. All three trustees voted yes to the proposal.

Which members of the board/council were present: Glenn Russell, Kellie Kapusta, Scott Swan

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes

Name of Observer: Anne Reid

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