6/21/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

6/21/2023 - Kent City Council - Observer Corps Report

Blog Post

Meeting Observed: Kent City Council Regular Meeting

Date of Meeting: 6/21/2023

Format: Virtual

Meeting Summary:

Kent City Council Meeting, June 21, 2023
No one spoke at the meeting, and a long list of written correspondence was submitted to the council, including emails from Kent residents and local musicians requesting City Council to consider allowing live music to continue in downtown Kent.

Committee of the Whole:
2023-036 A resolution appointing Mathew Hathaway to the Civil Service Commission and declaring an emergency – unanimously approved
2023—037 An ordinance adopting the new design for an official flag for the city of Kent, repealing resolution 1975-155, declaring an emergency – unanimously approved (see the new business for roll out at the Heritage Festival)

Health and Safety Committee:
Authorized staff to receive information regarding general, low-frequency noise heard within the city (not specific to one participating business) to determine if additional action required
Authorized acceptance and distribution of bike helmets by Kent City Health Dept.

Finance Committee:
2023-038 ordinance authority city manager or designee to submit and accept any grant award from the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC foundation not to exceed $40,000 and declare an emergency – unanimously approved.

New Business:
The Flag Committee and the City Council want a rollout of the new flag at the Heritage Festival. Resolution (unanimously approved) to allow the expenditure of up to $1000 for various things with the new flag (e.g. balloons, small flags, coloring pages) to be distributed at the Heritage Festival.
Ferraro recommends the following be referred to the Health and Safety Committee: A moratorium on medical marijuana shops in Kent. Unanimously approved but triggered a discussion about the content of the shops and as a gateway to adult recreational use of marijuana.

Executive Session: to discuss employee evaluation and compensation.

Which members of the board/council were present:  Garret Ferrara, Ward 1; Jack Amrhein, Ward 2;  John Kuhar, Ward 4; Heidi Shaffer Bish, Ward 5; Tracy Wallach, Ward 6; Michael DeLeone, At Large; Roger Sidoti, At Large; Robin Turner, Ward 3. Absent was Gwen Rosenberg, At Large

Was there a public notice of the meeting that included the time and place of meeting: Yes

Was an agenda of the meeting or handouts available to visitors: Yes

Are minutes from previous meetings posted/available: Yes


Observer: Kathleen Endres

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