Save the date for a summer celebration of local food.
Bring your table service and a local ingredient that can be added to salad greens. We will provide the greens, salad dressings and some dessert. (Please List all ingredients in your dish)
Fresh baked bread and toppings also welcome.
Over the next year, LWVOA will explore ways in which agriculture practices damage the environment, how agriculture can be used to reverse climate change, how to support local farming and how agricultural policy should change to promote sustainable agricultural practices.
We start by shining the spotlight on local champions who connect local farmers with consumers. We will hear from representatives from: The Oberlin Food Hub, City Fresh and Our F.A.M.I.L.Y. and discover what these different organizations are doing to promote the production, distribution and access to local food.
Speakers: Lea Loizos, City Fresh
Heather Adelman, Oberlin Food Hub
Bobby Taylor, Jr., Our FAMILY
We will also be raffling off the following items. Raffle tickets will be 10 for $5.
Produce Bags Vegetables Unleashed Cookbook
Handy Market Basket filled with City Fresh Family Share