

You are invited to join a highly respected citizen's organization. We research issues and educate the public and decision-makers. Membership is open to men and women 16+. Make a difference in your community today! Learn about the League's history.


Benefits of League Projects

  • Contribute to the community
    • Help host forums and educational events
    • Be a mentee or mentor
    • Register voters
  • Gain knowledge, experience, and new skills
    • Attend educational events like Lunch & Learns
    • Learn about crucial issues in your community
    • Study and discuss important topics
    • Meet local representatives and candidates
    • Become a mentor or mentee

How Much Time Does it Take?

The more you put in, the more you get out. It's up to you! Your membership alone gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change.

Support the League with your membership.

By signing up today, you automatically become a member of the following:

  • Norman League of Women Voters
  • Oklahoma League of Woment Voters
  • League of Women Voters of the United States

Join or Renew Online


Pay by Check

Print and mail the membership form with check to:

LWV Norman
PO Box 720621
Norman, OK 73070


Donors like you have made us the most trusted voice in positive solutions to public policy issues. 


Print and complete aPDF icon  donation formand mail it with your check to:

LWV Norman
PO Box 720621
Norman, OK 73070

  • As a 501(c)(4) organization, donations to LWV of Norman are not tax-deductible.  
  • For a tax deductible gift to our education fund, make your check payable to LWV Norman-Education Fund.   This money will go separately to our league's account in Oklahoma State League and can be used ONLY for education/voter service activities. Donations to the Education Fund, a non-partisan public educational organization and a 501(c)(3)corporation, are fully tax-deductible where allowed by law.