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Submitted by Oklahoma in July 2020.
Mail-in voting, which tens of millions of Americans are expected to use this November, is fraught with potential problems.
Submitted by Oklahoma in April 2020.
Empowering Voters
Submitted by Oklahoma County in November 2019.
Below is the presentation from the 2019 LWVOK Advocacy Planning Day. If you have any questions, please email lwvokcsecretary [at]
Changing the Tone • Making an Impact
Click here to view a compelling video by our very own Nancy Ward speaking about disabilities and the ability to vote.
By CARMEN FORMAN, October 29, 2019 02:03 AM EDT
"The path to women’s suffrage was complicated, and sometimes ugly. History books tend mostly to credit the courage and tenacity of white women.
Submitted by Oklahoma County in October 2019.
Per the Oklahoma County Election Board 10/2/2019:
New polling locations are as follows:
"League of Women Voter’s Rebecca Greenhaw signs students up for Civics Day, Generation Citizen’s end-of-semester event during which students present their action plans to public officials and community members."