Oppose HB1895 - Take Action Before 3pm cst on February 6th

Oppose HB1895 - Take Action Before 3pm cst on February 6th

Time Range For Action Alert: 
February 5, 2024 to February 7, 2024


Vote NO on HB1895

Creates criminal charges against adults who assist minors to access out of state medical abortions or access abortion-inducing drugs

HB1895/SB1971 would establish criminal charges against an adult, other than a parent or guardian, who assists a pregnant minor in traveling out of state for obtaining an abortion or for obtaining an abortion-inducing drug.

Talking points:

  • This bill prevents social work, health and mental health professions who are trusted by youth and their families from carry out their professional duty to provide compassionate and non-judgmental support for youth in crisis.
  • Sexual assault victims may need the help of trusted adults outside the family if their assaulter is a family member. A Dept. of Justice report states that 34% of reported cases of sexual assault are family members.
  • Pre-teen and teen pregnancies are associated with significantly higher medical complications including: low birth weight, pre-term birth, increased risk of birth trauma due to small pelvis size, maternal anemia, eclampsia, emergency cesarean delivery, and postpartum depression. These complications are even worse in children, 10-14.  While we want to think such pregnancies are extremely rare, it is not.  In 2018 alone, 87 girls ages 10-14 were impregnated in Tennessee.

Before 3 p.m. CST  on Tuesday, February 6:

Note: If your representative is on the House Population Health Subcommittee, urge them to vote NO on HB1895. Be sure to identify yourself as a constituent. At the time of this writing, Rep. Hemmer has already confirmed that he is voting against this bill.  Thank him for his vote.

House Population Health Subcommittee

Michele Carringer

Rep.michele.carringer [at] capitol.tn.gov

John Ray Clemmons

rep.john.ray.clemmons [at] capitol.tn.gov

Andrew Farmer

Rep.andrew.farmer [at] capitol.tn.gov

Esther Helton-Haynes

Rep.esther.helton [at] capitol.tn.gov

Caleb Hemmer

Rep.caleb.hemmer [at] capitol.tn.gov

Sabi Kumar

Rep.sabi.kumar [at] capitol.tn.gov

Iris Rudder

Rep.iris.rudder [at] capitol.tn.gov

Bryan Terry

Rep.bryan.terry [at] capitol.tn.gov

Ron Travis

Rep.ron.travis [at] capitol.tn.gov


League of Women Voters of Tennessee

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