August 2024 Williamson State Primary and County General Election Poll Watching Report
The League of Women Voters of Williamson County (LWVWmCo, TN) had several Poll Watchers during the last election cycle. We had seven poll watchers at eight voting locations during Early Voting and seven poll watchers at five locations on Election Day. The LWVWmCo commends the Williamson County Election Commission for a well-run election.
(Photo courtesy of the Williamson Herald)
Precincts Visited by League of Women Voters Poll Watchers Early Voting
The Election Commission Office
Franklin Recreation Complex
Columbia State Community College
John P. Holt Brentwood Library
College Grove Community Center
Fairview Recreation Center
Nolensville Recreation Center, Longview Recreation Center
Vitality Senior Living Facility, Franklin
On Election Day
Hillsboro Middle School
County Enrichment Center
Gate Community Church
Nolensville Recreation Center
Cool Springs Conference Center
LWVWmCo poll watchers reported well-run polling places with professional, friendly, and voter-oriented poll workers at each location. No systematic problems were reported. Very few lines were noted. The poll watcher reported that voters were able to sign the poll book easily and cast their ballots in a timely manner.
ADA Compatibility Issues
College Grove Recreation Center: There is no automatic door opener. A wheelchair user had difficulty entering and had to lift the chair over the threshold.
Columbia State Community College: The sidewalks leading from the parking to the polling place were steep, posing a challenge for voters.
Longview Recreation Center: There is no automatic door opener. A voter with a walker was managed, but concerns were raised about the door width for electric scooters. A table with a cardboard screen was provided for seated voting. If the building has an ADA-compatible entrance, signage should be provided.
Marriott Cool Springs Conference Center: A ramp existed but was difficult to notice without guidance. The need for better signage was identified.
The Gate Community Church: Accessibility issues persist, including limited parking and a steep hill. Despite discussions, no changes have been made, and the location remains problematic.
Vitality Assisted Living: The voting area was cramped, making it difficult for those using walkers or wheelchairs. The facility was open to moving the voting location in the future.
Wm Co-Rec. Center Nolensville: Narrow gate and side door entrance lacked an automatic door opener, and visibility for assistance was poor. The front entrance had better accessibility, but signage was inadequate.
Overall, it would be beneficial if voters were informed about the best locations for voters needing assistance, particularly for voters who are visually impaired and/or who would have difficulty voting from the higher platforms on which the voting machines sit.
Voting Entrance Signage
Fairview Rec Center: The entrance was not clearly marked.
Marriott Cool Springs Conference Center: While signage was present, it was not immediately noticeable. The route to the polling room was confusing, with a ramp entrance and roped-off hallway not easily recognized upon entering. The setup was better identified once inside, but initial navigation was challenging.
Wm Co Recreation Center Nolensville: Signs directed voters through a narrow gate to a side door without an automatic opener. The front entrance had better accessibility but lacked clear signage, requiring voters to ask for directions.
Voter Privacy Protection
College Grove Recreation Center: A voter was concerned that the person at the tabulator could see how they voted.
Franklin Recreation Center: Two poll workers spoke loudly, causing everyone in the voting center to hear private information, such as voters' addresses.
Voter Registration
Several poll watchers reported that they observed several instances where a person attempted to vote but was not registered in Williamson County. Such an instance was reported at the Nolensville Recreation Center and the Fairview Recreation Center. In each instance, the poll watchers reported that the Precinct Captain handled the situation professionally. They called to verify the voter’s registration status. Since the persons were not registered, they were allowed to complete a registration form and submit it to the Precinct Captain.
Other Poll-Watching Groups
The following organizations also participated in poll-watching during early voting and on Election Day; all were observed to be in compliance with the Williamson County Election Commission's poll-watching guidelines.
- Poll Watching Tennessee
- Williamson County GOP
- TN Free Elections
- Organize Tennessee
- Williamson County Democratic Party
League of Women Voters of Williamson County Recommendations
During this last election cycle, we asked our Poll Watchers to respond to several questions regarding ADA compliance issues at their specific polling locations. As noted above, several issues were identified at several polling locations.
As a result of our observations, we recommend the following:
- Improve signage at the voting locations directing voters to entrances that meet ADA requirements.
- Poll Officials’ training for the upcoming election includes a re-emphasis on how to interact with and provide handicapped access to voting equipment as needed.