Letters sent to 14K Naturalized Citizens in TN

Letters sent to 14K Naturalized Citizens in TN

Earlier this month over 14,000 naturalized Tennessee citizens received letters from the TN Secretary of State's office notifying them that their status did not match the records from the DMV database.  Does this feel like voter intimidation?  We believe the answer is yes. In addition, this request for citizenship documentation has created confusion and uncertainty in immigrant communities.  LWVTN has been working with ACLU-Tennessee, TN Immigrant & Rights Coalition, American Muslim Advisory  Council, Conexion Americas, and other immigrant advocacy groups to learn more of the key facts regarding the purpose, process, and ultimate impact on these citizens as we enter the 2024 election season.  We will be crafting joint talking points for public distribution this week and Lindsay Brazier will be disseminating them soon.
In the meantime, the key points you and your team should know:
  • The letters are not a scam.
  • Regardless of whether or not registered voters respond to this letter to provide documentation of their citizenship, the Secretary of State's office has clarified that they can still vote in the August Primary.  (Purges are not allowed within 90 days of an election.)
  • The statement from Pratik Dash, speaking on behalf of TIRRC,  reflects the current messaging tone for LWV: 
    • “Whether native-born or naturalized, all citizens deserve the freedom to vote without fear and have an equal say in the decisions that impact our lives. "
