Irving Public Education - Class Size

Irving Public Education - Class Size

The League of Women Voters of Irving supports measures to improve the quality of education provided to students of the Irving Independent School District.
Position History: 
Original Consensus: February 1974
Update: April, 1980
Amend, Update, Review: November 1988
Review: May 1996

Retain and make high priority for re-study

Specifically, the League believes that:

  1. Class size is an important factor of quality education
  2. Smaller classes enable teachers to be more flexible in their teaching methods and to better meet the individual need of students.

Therefore, the League urges the Irving Independent School District to strive for a limit of 25 pupils per teacher for all classes of kindergarten through eighth grade and for all required academic courses on the secondary level. Non-required academic classes on the secondary level should be limited to 30, except for those classes that can exceed this limit effectively because of subject matter; e.g., typing, physical education, band, etc.

The League supports a reporting format that includes actual class sizes, ranges in class sizes and class size summaries.

League to which this content belongs: 
- Private group -