The League of Women Voters of Irving supports the following measures to improve the programs of the Irving Independent Schools
Position History:
Original Consensus: August 1971
Update: April 1980
Review, Amend, and Recommend Continuing Study: November 1988
Review: May 1996
Update: April 1980
Review, Amend, and Recommend Continuing Study: November 1988
Review: May 1996
Retain and make high priority for re-study
The League of Women Voters of Irving supports the following measures to improve the programs of the Irving Independent Schools:
- Ratio of one qualified counselor to each 300 students
- More clerical aid for counselors to give adequate time for students
- More adequate space for private interviews
- Guidance and counseling program in elementary schools including:
- Counselors spending minimum of two days per week at each elementary school
- Clinical psychologist in IISD staff to work with students who would benefit from limited therapy
- A system-wide kindergarten
- Teacher Aides to relieve teachers of non-teaching duties
- Remedial reading program
- Accelerated classes for high-aptitude learner
- Sequential foreign language program
- Art instruction with qualified art teachers in art classrooms
- Music instruction in string, piano, and band
- Use of schools as community or neighborhood centers
- Increase in school taxes if necessary to implement these programs
- System-wide developmental and corrective reading program
- Low student-teacher ratio in English classes
- Extension of ability grouping in academic subjects to include classes for low-achieving students. Parental and community understanding of the value of such a program
- Time scheduled for new curriculum planning & in-service training of teachers
- Encourage student participation in natural science laboratories with adequate laboratory facilities, particularly in grades 7 - 9
- Increase in school taxes if necessary to implement these programs
League to which this content belongs:
- Private group -