Kids at Risk

Kids at Risk

The League of Women Voters of Irving supports effective programs, policies, and funding to meet the needs of at-risk children.
Position History: 

Consensus Date for Educational Services and Health Services: May 11, 1999  Adopted: May 25, 1999
Consensus Date for Homelessness: January 24, 2011 ♦ Adopted: February 8, 2011

Specifically, the League supports the following:

In the area of Educational Services

  1. Expansion of early childhood and alternative educational programs in IISD.
  2. Expansion of music, art, theatre, and dance programs in the community.
  3. Initiation of home instruction for preschool children and their parents.
  4. Extension of hours in order to use school facilities to provide childcare and a wide range of community educational programs.

In the area of Health Services

  1. Initiation of County Out Patient Clinic (also known as Community Oriented Primary Care Clinic), including dental care; a Family Advocacy Center, including mental health care; and school-based clinics, including dental care and mental health services.
  2. Initiation of programs for substance abuse and run-away children.
  3. Initiation of free or affordable transportation to community services.
  4. Expansion of community and educational programs to address domestic violence issues.
  5. Provision of Spanish-speaking personnel for all programs and services.

In the area of Homelessness

  1. Housing options for kids still in school who are over 18 and/or are emancipated minors, such as; emergency homeless and transitional housing, like group residential homes or apartments both near public transportation.
  2. A safe and secure 24 hour safe and secure environment near public transportation for homeless minors and their families.
  3. Permanent affordable housing for homeless minors and their families.
  4. Comprehensive counseling services for homeless kids who are still in school but are over 18 and/or are emancipated minors including but not limited to: health/medical; psychological; legal; vocational; life skills; employment; money management; and educational, including tutoring and mentoring.
  5. Comprehensive counseling services for parents and minor children who are homeless including but not limited to: employment; money management; health /medical; psychological; legal; vocational; life skills; parenting skills; and educational counseling. The ability of the kids to become involved in extra-curricular activities should be fostered
  6. Comprehensive funding for housing and counseling services for homeless kids and families should be pursued such as: governmental funding by federal, state and local entities; non-profit organizations; faith-based organizations; grants from foundations, corporations and other entities; clubs and service organizations and individuals in the private sector.
League to which this content belongs: 
- Private group -