LWVSHR General Meeting

LWVSHR General Meeting

LWVSHR imges
Saturday, December 19, 2020 - 10:00am to Sunday, December 20, 2020 - 11:45am

Four times a year, the entire membership of the League of Women Voters of South Hampton Roads gets together.  Our next chance is Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020 -- all getting together virtually, 10 - 12 noon.   Please RSVP to SHRleague [at] gmail.com to receive the link for this session.

The meeting will have two parts:   

      Part 1"Healing the Rifts"  (racial, political, social class, other....)

This session will be guided by the staff of the Robert Nusbaum Center for the Study of Faith and Society at Virginia Wesleyan University     https://www.vwu.edu/academics/robert-nusbaum-center/mission-vision-2020.php

      Part 2:    Our League and its Program

      Short business meeting -- Report of the Audit Committee, etc.

       Then "Program Planning" for the months ahead.

Remember:  In the LWV, the term "Program" refers to the "Positions" that guide our many activities.