

Click to View LWVSHR's New Transportation Position (2019)

Public Transit – Planning and Funding

The Virginia General Assembly in recent years has provided new sources of funds for transportation improvements in Virginia. However, the fuel taxes being collected in Hampton Roads must be used entirely for highways, bridges and tunnels. They cannot be used in any way for public transit.

In addition, long-term state bond funding for capital improvements and "good repair" of transit systems throughout Virginia will soon cease. Thus public transit providers around the state, and particularly in Hampton Roads, face serious shortfalls in funding. Drastic reductions in current transit services will occur, unless new types of funding for public transit are provided by the General Assembly.

The General Assembly can take steps to support public transit planning and operations -- in better, more reliable ways. Such actions are vital to our economy, to our health, and to the lives of many, many Virginia workers, seniors, students, and others. The League of Women Voters of South Hampton Roads keeps General Assembly members and candidates aware of these needs and possible solutions.

Finally, Hampton Roads needs a complete re-working of its transit map and services, to reflect the needs and desires of the region’s residents in the 21st century. League members in the various cities are involved in planning new routes for buses and light rail – as well as finding funds for future changes and operations.

The Transportation Committee of the LWVSHR keeps League members educated about transportation planning and funding, and lets them know when local and state decision-makers need to hear from informed citizens. 

If you would like to be involved with the League Transportation Committee, please email transportation [at]
For helpful information about the regional transportation, please see The Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization's latest annual report: The State of Transportation in Hampton Roads 2018