Social Justice University October 1 2023

Social Justice University October 1 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 3:00pm

Social Justice U is an action-oriented informational program that prepares constituents to meet with your own two General Assembly legislators this Fall. Most meetings will be online and hopefully at a convenient time. We meet as a group and it's fine to simply be an additional presence. Our goals are 

·      to advocate for social justice, 

·      to build civic capacity and confidence, and 

·      to develop a relationship between the legislator and constituents. 

Please join us on Sunday, Oct. 1st. Virtual doors open at 2:30pm, program begins at 3pm and lasts till 5pm.  

Keynote: Brenda Andrews, Publisher of New Journal & Guide

Followed by issue briefings on 

·      Health Inequities

·      Environmental Justice

·      Economic Justice 

·      Democracy


·      Public Safety

·      Civil Rights


Register at 

Questions? LCTHR [at]