Benton-Franklin Counties

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LWVBF March 21 Table Talk Announcement

Guest Speakers:

Northwest Public Broadcasting Senior Environmental Correspondent Courtney Flatt and LWVBF member Lora Rathbone will inform us about environmental issues before the Washington State Legislature. Snacks and beverages provided!

Tri-Cities Immigrant Coalition speaker at LWVBF holiday party

TCIC Holiday Party Speaker

Tri-Cities Immigration Coalition (TCIC) speaking at the LWVBF holiday party. LWVBF heard from one of TCIC's scholarship recipients on her way to becoming a school psychologist.

LWVBF members gathered for the 12/8 holiday party

12/8 Holiday Party

LWVBF members gather for the holiday party.

LWVBF members listen at the November Table Talk

November Table Talk

LWVBF members at the November Table Talk: Post Election Analysis.

League members present a briefing on the history of womens voting rights

History of Women's Voting Presentation

League members Mary Shaw, Janet Nail, Beverly Johnson-Torelli and Christine Grantham, present the History of Women's Voting at Keewaydin Museum.

Klara Hulick and family

2024 LWVBF Scholarship Winners!

Klara Hulick (Hanford High School, Richland) and family.

Carley Nelson and Family

2024 LWVBF Scholarship Winners!

Carley Nelson (Chiawana High School, Pasco), and family. Congrats, Carley!

Voter Registration at a Naturalization Ceremony

Voter Registration

Voter Registration at a Naturalization Ceremony

LWVBF Voter Registration River View High School

Voter Registration Drive

River View High School, Kennewick

Benton-Franklin Counties

"Go Green" Table Talk

Friday, March 21, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm



Shalom United Church of Christ
505 McMurray St.

Richland Washington

Guest Speakers:

Northwest Public Broadcasting Senior Environmental Correspondent Courtney Flatt and LWVBF member Lora Rathbone will inform us about environmental issues before the Washington State Legislature. Snacks and beverages provided!

Announcing the LWV of Washington's 3rd annual video contest for high school age youth—again, cash prizes!  Here’s the link to “winners from last year” to see some of last year’s results.
The LWVWA Election Credibility Committee invites you and your League to participate in this year’s video contest.  The League’s goal is to promote election credibility to a broad audience through student-produced videos on voting and elections. 
The QR code on this electronic flier contains much pertinent information so please share with others. 
In this video contest, high school age youth will share their gained knowledge about voting and elections as they create a 30-60 second video.  Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place winners.  Winning videos will be distributed widely through social and other media as well as to OSPI and our county auditors. 
Early student registration is of real value, as video production tutorials and guidance will be available to all who register. The contest is open from now through midnight, May 1st, 2025, the deadline for both completed registrations and submittal of completed videos.
Please contact one of us directly with any questions about this contest.  Thank you for considering this request to share this information.
Jane McClure and Linnea Hirst, Co-Chairs
LWVWA Election Credibility Committee
studentvideocontest [at]




2025 They Represent You now available!

See Publications




Know a graduating public high school student in Benton or Franklin Counties? Let them know about the 2025 LWVBF Scholarship!

Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded at the League's Annual Meeting in May.

2025 LWVBF Scholarship Announcement

Event Date: 
03/21/2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Event location: 

Shalom United Church of Christ

Guest Speakers: