LET’S FIX OUR SYSTEM- Speaker Sara Eskrich

LET’S FIX OUR SYSTEM- Speaker Sara Eskrich

Making Democracy Work logo


Resurrection Catholic Church
333 Hilltop Dr
Allouez Wisconsin 54301
Wisconsin US
Monday, April 15, 2019 - 5:00pm to Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 4:45pm

This program is about politics, but is not political and about parties but is nonpartisan. In September 2017, Katherine Gehl, acclaimed Milwaukee business leader and Michael E. Porter, renowned Harvard Business School professor, released their report, “Why Competition in the Politics Industry Is Failing America: A Strategy for Reinvigorating Our Democracy.” This study applied a business marketing assessment, an entirely new analytical lens, on the processes of our political system. For decades this analysis has been used to understand competition in other industries. Its application to our political system explains the stalemate and failures. Simple reforms can change our system to ensure politicians are held accountable for delivering results, making it truly competitive. Our democracy will be revitalized by a renewal of our citizens’ belief that every vote counts and every voice is heard.