Manitowoc County Subscribed Articles

Manitowoc County Subscribed Articles

White graphic with slogan "End Gerrymandering" in blue letters on top, and "Every vote must count" in yellow letters over a blue rectangle below.

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin Fair Maps Working Group began meeting in the summer of 2019 and has created a Fair Maps Toolkit and recently finalized its campaign slogan.


[MADISON, Wis.] - Yesterday, and today, the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin (LWVWI) sent letters to members of the Wisconsin State Legislature, encouraging representatives to participate in the Governor’s special session on pol

Logo for the Wisconsin Suffrage Centennial Celebration website.

As part of the Wisconsin Centennial Suffrage Celebration, members of the Governor's 19th Amendment Centennial Committeerecorded and submitted video messages to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment.


In June 2020, the Center for Nonprofit and Community Studies at the University of Wiscosnin - Madison released a report titled, "Civic Health of Wisconsin: Connectedness in Context."

Graphic with text "Celebrate 100 years of women's suffrage"

To celebrate the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment being added to the Constitution on August 26th, the Wisconsin Historical Society, along with First Lady Kathy Evers, are posting a video series on social media that takes the viewer through the history of the suffrage movement celebrating the stories of Wisconsin women and their fight for voting rights.

Green graphic with the word "VOTE" in the middle. A basketball replaces the letter "O".

Organization commits to educate, engage and inspire community about voting process.


Amid growing opposition, Enbridge Energy recently decided not to seek the power to condemn private property rights along a proposed route for a new segment of Line 5. All indications are that the multi-national energy company intends to pursue the project, which means that the Bad River Watershed, Lake Superior, and communities across northern Wisconsin remain vulnerable to the harms caused by the construction and continued operation of Line 5.

Gráfica de la encuesta de la experiencia del votante

La Liga de Mujeres Votantes de Wisconsin y nuestros socios de la Coalición de Protección Electoral están llevando a cabo esta encuesta para aprender de la experiencia de los votantes tras las elecciones del 11 de agosto de 2020. Si responde, Ud. nos ayudará a conocer su experiencia con el voto y cualquier desafío que haya experimentado.


The League of Women Voters appreciates the Governor’s Executive Orders 32 and 52, relating to the Climate Crisis. The leadership of the Governor and Lt. Governor is moving Wisconsin forward by directly addressing the Climate Emergency unfolding before us.

Purple graphic with text, "Election Law Changes You Need to Know for the Fall Elections" and a LWVWI logo below.

On July 29, a mandate was issued by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in the “One Wisconsin Institute” case. The court issued its decision on June 29 after the case had been on appeal since 2016.
